Coca de bărci au fost construite în mod tradițional din lemn. Astăzi, cojile sunt construite din aluminiu sau fibră de sticlă și ambele materiale oferă mai multe avantaje.
Deci, aluminiu sau fibră de sticlă pentru coca barcii dvs. – dacă aceasta este întrebarea dvs., iată câțiva factori care vă ajută să cântăriți decizia.
Aluminiul este puternic, durabil și destul de ușor de întreținut. Avantajele unei căști din aluminiu includ:
Ușor: Aluminiul este un metal foarte ușor, dar puternic. O coca ușoară necesită mai puțină putere a motorului pentru a tăia apa și, de asemenea, ajută la lansarea și recuperarea bărcii.
Robust: Nu există nicio subestimare a rezistenței unei căști din aluminiu. De asemenea, aluminiul se îndoaie, dar nu se rupe ușor, ceea ce îl face destul de sigur, în special pentru condiții dure. Și dacă carena navei se deteriorează, reparațiile se pot face rapid și ușor.
Ușor de întreținut: Metalul este, în general, rezistent la coroziune, cu condiția folosirii aliajelor potrivite și a procedurilor de izolare, după cum facem la ASIS Boats.
Ușor de personalizat: aluminiu are o cantitate corectă de elasticitate, ceea ce permite destul de mult personalizare. Adâncime, cu fund plat, superficial, scurt sau lung – coca din aluminiu poate fi construită în funcție de specificații exacte, ceea ce le face deosebit de perfecte pentru bărci profesionale, cum ar fi bărci de patrulare, bărci de căutare și salvare, meșteșuguri speciale pentru operațiuni și altele asemenea.
Ecologic: Aluminiul este unul dintre cele mai reciclabile materiale de pe Pământ. Iar reciclarea necesită o parte din energia și costurile necesare producerii
Câteva contra-uri trebuie să vă gândiți, însă, este că o plimbare pe o barcă de aluminiu poate fi destul de zgomotoasă și aspră, deoarece barca este mai puțin solidă pentru manevrele de mare viteză.
Fibra de sticlă este destul de populară în comunitatea nautică, deoarece oferă și câteva avantaje. Iată de ce ar trebui să luați în considerare o barcă din fibră de sticlă pentru barca dvs. –
Construcția este simplă: fibra de sticlă este destul de maleabilă și poate fi modelată în orice formă. Coca este creată dintr-o matriță prestabilită, care necesită mai puțin timp și îndemânare pentru a construi, dacă lucrați cu o companie de construcții reputată a bărcilor, cum ar fi ASIS Boats. Exteriorul acestor bărci este, de asemenea, destul de neted, ceea ce le conferă un aspect destul de elegant.
Impermeabil la elemente: Materialul nu este afectat de umezeală sau de elemente, iar aceste bărci pot fi lăsate chiar în apă pentru perioade îndelungate, fără griji în privința avariilor.
Ușor de întreținut: bărcile din fibră de sticlă sunt destul de rezistente și pot suporta multe pedepse (mai ales din plajă). Acestea pot fi ușor întreținute fără mult efort – ceea ce este excelent pentru un marinar de agrement – și dacă apar daune, poate fi remediat cu ușurință de către un profesionist, cu un plasture din fibră de sticlă. Aceste bărci sunt, de asemenea, foarte ușor de curățat.
Ușurință: Deși aceste coca nu sunt la fel de ușoare ca cele din aluminiu, barcile din fibra de sticlă RIB Boats sunt destul de ușoare în comparație cu alte bărci cu carenă din fibră de sticlă și nu au nevoie de multă putere pentru a trece prin apă.
Plimbări mai liniștite: este mai puțin zgomotos pe măsură ce barca trece prin apă. Și cu designul unic al chingilor inversate ASIS Boats, apa stropește departe de barcă făcând o călătorie mai lină și mai uscată.
Dezavantajul principal al unei căști din fibră de sticlă este că este fabricat dintr-o matriță, ceea ce limitează opțiunile de personalizare la coca specifică, iar odată ce matrița este făcută, designul nu poate fi modificat. Acestea fiind spuse, totul deasupra coca este un joc corect! Costul poate fi, de asemenea, un factor de luat în considerare, în special în cazul în care matrița pentru scaunul navei dvs. trebuie să fie făcută la comandă.
Așadar, acolo îl aveți, beneficiile și dezavantajele celor două materiale care sunt utilizate pentru a face cea mai mare parte din barca dvs. La ASIS Boats, construim bărci pentru marinari militari, profesioniști și de agrement, și, indiferent de nevoia dvs., avem una perfectă pentru dvs.
Dacă doriți mai multe informații despre barcile ASIS și bărcile pe care le construim, vizitați
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At ASIS Boats, We specialize in manufacturing high-quality Military Boats. Our Military Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) are specifically designed to meet the demanding requirements of military operations and are trusted by navies and other military forces worldwide.
Our Military Boats are built to be rugged and reliable, able to withstand harsh conditions and rough seas. Our RHIBs are constructed with military-grade materials and can be relied upon in the most challenging situations.
In addition to their durability, our Military Rigid Inflatable Boats are highly maneuverable and versatile, making them ideal for a wide range of missions and applications. Our boats are up to all the tasks, from special missions, to transporting troops and equipment, or for surveillance and patrolling.
Advanced navigation and communication systems
Aluminum or Fiberglass Hull
Air or Hyb Foam filled tube
Tactical lighting and other specialized equipment
Amphibious Capabilities
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Our Anti-Piracy Military Boats are tailor-made for high-speed, long-range operations and feature armed VBSS capabilities. Equipped with advanced navigation and communication systems, our boats are built with the highest-quality materials and components to ensure reliability in the toughest environments. With our Anti-Piracy Military Boats, you can rest assured that you have the tools you need to successfully carry out your mission against the threat of piracy.
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Following complex mission specific requirements, our Navy Military boats are designed for both shore-based and ship-board operations, the latter having Davit Launch/Recovery Capabilities and a Stern-notch. Our Navy boats can be fitted with the latest technologies, equipment, and weapons systems such as shock mitigating seats, and ballistic protection. They can be customized at will, come in various sizes and above-deck configurations, and can be transported by both fixed and rotary-wing airlift.
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Our Riverine Military Boats are designed to be fast, maneuverable and responsive in challenging draft river environments and shallow coastal waters. They are available in different configurations, including automated and manually operated articulating bow-opening/ladders for easy troop dis-embarkation and weapons stations with countermeasure launchers. Our Riverine Boats are equipped with near full-coverage, level NIJ III Dynemma® Ballistic Protective Panels in critical areas. These boats are transportable by both fixed and rotary wing aircraft and come in both forward and mid-pilothouse deck-layout configurations.
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Our Special Operations Military Boats are designed to provide exceptional on-water performance, handling and stability with a focus on safety. They are built tough to endure harsh circumstances and are primarily used to carry Special Operations Forces In and out of their target areas. While capable of reaching speeds of 55 knots, our Special Ops Boats can be configured for a number of mission operations, and can support limited coast patrols and intercept enemy activities.
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Our Coast Guard Military Boats are designed for high speed vessel interdiction and non-compliant boarding team operations, they can be fitted with self-righting systems and come in various sizes and above-deck configurations to provide maximum mission range and crew comfort. With the end-user in mind, our versatile Coast Guard Boats meet the requirements of a diversity of missions, including homeland security, patrol, and maritime law enforcement.
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ASIS Boats is an advanced maritime solutions provider for Work Boats customers around the world.
ASIS Boats individually designs and manufactures each Rigid Inflatable Boat to meet any customers needs. With a multitude of designs, equipments and accessories, we can custom built any Rigid Inflatable Boat to the specification provided always trying to exceed expectation and meeting un-met needs.
We pride ourselves on delivering the best possible personalized solutions using state of the art innovation, top quality products and the shortest delivery time of any manufacturer in the world.
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ASIS Boats specializes in producing top-quality boats for police and law enforcement agencies. Our boats are designed to meet the stringent requirements of these organizations and are used by police departments and other law enforcement agencies globally.
Our RHIBs are made to be sturdy and dependable, able to withstand tough conditions and rough waters. These boats are constructed using military-grade materials, ensuring they can be trusted in even the most challenging circumstances.
In addition to their durability, our Law enforcement and Police boats are highly agile and versatile, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. These boats excel at long patrols, crime prevention, and personnel or equipment transport.
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We offer a range of sizes and configurations to meet the needs of different law enforcement agencies. Our RHIBs can be customized with a variety of features and options to suit the specific needs of each agency, including:
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ASIS Boats is an advanced maritime solutions provider for Law Enforcement customers around the world.
ASIS Boats individually designs and manufactures each Rigid Inflatable Boat to meet any customers needs. With a multitude of designs, equipments and accessories, we can custom built any Rigid Inflatable Boat to the specification provided always trying to exceed expectation and meeting un-met needs.
We pride ourselves on delivering the best possible personalized solutions using state of the art innovation, top quality products and the shortest delivery time of any manufacturer in the world.
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ASIS Boats is proud to manufacture top-quality rescue boats (RHIBs) for firefighters and search and rescue teams. These boats are specifically designed to meet the demanding requirements of these critical operations and are trusted by firefighters and rescue teams globally.
Our rescue boats (RHIBs) are built to be durable and dependable, able to withstand harsh conditions and rough seas. They are constructed using only the finest materials and craftsmanship, ensuring they can be relied upon in even the most challenging environments.
In addition to their toughness, our rescue RHIBs are highly adaptable and agile, making them ideal for a wide range of missions and applications. Whether responding to emergencies, conducting rescue operations, or putting off fires, our boats are up to the task.
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We offer a range of sizes and configurations to meet the needs of different firefighters and search and rescue teams. Our RHIBs can be equipped with a variety of features and options to meet the specific needs of each team, including:
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ASIS Boats is an advanced maritime solutions provider for Firefighting / SAR customers around the world.
ASIS Boats individually designs and manufactures each Rigid Inflatable Boat to meet any customers needs. With a multitude of designs, equipments and accessories, we can custom built any Rigid Inflatable Boat to the specification provided always trying to exceed expectation and meeting un-met needs.
We pride ourselves on delivering the best possible personalized solutions using state of the art innovation, top quality products and the shortest delivery time of any manufacturer in the world.
Please refer to our services section for more details on our custom design process.
Contact Us for assistance on your specific needs and requirements.
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ASIS Boats offers a wide range of high-quality Rigid Inflatable Work Boats (RHIBs) that are designed to meet the diverse needs of different industries and applications. Our boats are built with durability and versatility in mind, making them suitable for a variety of uses. Whether you are looking for a workboat for your oil and gas offshore platforms, a tour boat for thrilling rides or an operation boat for your marina, we will build your perfect workboat.
We understand that every customer has unique needs and requirements. That’s why we offer a range of customization options to ensure that your boat is tailored to your specific needs. With a variety of designs, equipment, seating arrangements, storage solutions, and accessories to choose from, we can help you create a boat that exceeds your expectations.
Our RHIBs are built with top-quality materials and components, including heavy-duty Hypalon or PU tubes, exclusive aluminum or Fiberglass hulls, and the latest innovative technologies. These workboats are designed to handle rough seas and challenging conditions, making them ideal for various marine environments.
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Our tours and transport boats are an excellent choice for businesses in the tourism industry. These boats are designed to comfortably and safely transport passengers on various adventures, from scenic tours to island hopping. With their spacious decks and advanced safety features, our tours and transport boats are perfect for a wide range of applications. So we have the right boat for you, whether you’re running a sightseeing tour or providing transportation to a remote location.
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Our oil and gas boats are specifically designed to operate in the challenging offshore environment of the oil and gas industry. With sturdy construction and advanced safety features, these boats are built to withstand rough seas and harsh weather. They are equipped to transport personnel and equipment to and from offshore platforms and perform supply runs and other tasks. We offer a variety of configurations and sizes to suit your specific needs.
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For professional and recreational divers, our diving boats are the perfect choice for transporting divers and their equipment to and from dive sites. These boats are designed with spacious decks and ample storage to accommodate your diving gear. They also have advanced safety features to ensure a smooth and secure journey. So whether you’re leading a group of tourists on a diving adventure or running a commercial dive operation, our diving boats have the necessary capabilities and reliability.
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It would help if you had reliable and efficient tools to manage and maintain your facility as a marina operator. Our marina operator boats are designed specifically for this purpose, with durable construction and advanced features.
They come with a unique flat foam push bow and bow pull post, making them the preferred support boats for marinas. These boats can perform various tasks, including maintenance, help in mooring big yachts, security patrols, and emergency response.
We offer a range of sizes and configurations to suit your specific needs so that you can choose the right boat for your marina.
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Our sail support boats are specially designed for use during your naval events, or in busy ports, yacht clubs, and docks, and can be customized to your exact specifications. Whether you need a boat for maneuvering around yachts and other boats, assisting with sailing events and races, or maintenance, we have you covered. Trust us to design and deliver the reliable, custom-built vessels you need to get the job done.
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Our exclusive Air Hull ® formed by Reverse U Chines Hull design greatly adds to the boat’s sea-keeping, guaranteeing your boat will out-perform any other boat with precise turning capabilities, inherent lift and the ability to navigate in more extreme sea conditions.
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ASIS Boats designs and manufactures customized Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) to meet each customer’s specific needs. Explore our interactive render to see all the available options for customizing every inch of the boat, from the cabin to the deck. Simply click on a section to see the options and choose the ones that best suit your needs. Our goal is always to exceed customer expectations and meet unmet needs.
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Fiberglass Boats are easy to maintain and clean as the material is impervious to moisture and the elements. They are heavier and less easily affected by the wind, resulting in great sea keeping and stability in water.
They are much quieter in cutting through water than any other type of boat.
These Boats are easily repaired and hence very convenient for Professional usage.
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Asis’ exclusive Foam Shield® Aluminum hull is designed to be highly performing and stable. With a moderately sharp entry and generous deadrise with high chine elevation in the forward half of the hull that allows the boat to keep running at high speed in rough water without pounding passengers into submission, the ASIS Aluminium hull carries enough buoyancy distribution and dynamic lift so immersion is minimized down-sea.
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Reduce the wetted surface area and drag to give more support to the hull
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The hull is filled with infused waterproof foam to add rigidity, stability and floatability if a hull breach ever occurred. It also reduce vibration and dampen noise.
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Looking to cut on response times, patrol aquatic areas efficiently or deliver unforgettable experiences to customers, look no further. Once you’ve been on an ASIS Amphibious Craft, you wont be able to go back. The mobility, versatility and freedom it gives you are unparalleled.
ASIS Professional Amphibious Boats are favoured around the world for professional mariners in Law Enforcement, Firefighting, Search and Rescue, Coast-Guard Patrol, Flood Rescue as well as Transportation and guided tours.
Available as an upgrade option for all ASIS boats ranging from 5.1 meter to 12 meter
Available on both outboard and inboard powered boats
Available on Fiberglass or Aluminium Hull boats
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The Amphibious system consists of motorized, retractable and steerable wheels, powering the boat with off-water capabilities. The entire system is marinized and stays completely out of the water while underway. This means there is no compromise to on-water performance.
Once fitted with the Amphibious technology, any ASIS boat will be able to travel directly between land and sea by the use of four retractable wheels with a hydraulic system linked to an inboard motor. ASIS Professional Amphibious Boats are specifically designed for your mission.
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Maximum size of Boat : 32’8’’ –10m
Speed on land : 5.6 mph – 9 kph (4WD)
System Motor power : 35 HP
Motor Cooling system : Air cooled
Maximum Torque : 2,582 ft-lb – 3,500 Nm
Size of Tyres : 26″ x 12″
Weight of system : 1,323 lbs – 600 kg
Built strong to Lift Boat & max payload : Yes
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Our entire range of Fully Inflatable Boats is purposely designed for the most rigorous environments and use. Manufactured with heavy duty Hypalon 1670 DTEX or PU, the ASIS Fully Inflatable Boats are built robust and are tested to survive and endure all types of unforgiving conditions from extreme humidity and salt content to severe sun exposure. Moreover, they are impermeable to all types of chemicals and fuel.
The flooring consists of a removable Aluminum Floor Board, making the Fully Inflatable Boats suitable for carrying heavy loads without compromising on performance. Foldable and compact, the ASIS Heavy Duty Fully Inflatable Boats Boats are light and easy to assemble/ disassemble for storage if required. They can be deployed from vehicles, ships, fixed and rotary wing aircraft and submarines.
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The resourceful and robust ASIS Ranger Fully Inflatable was designed to tackle the most difficult tasks that a military inflatable could possibly encounter. They are perfectly suited for military insertion/extraction, law enforcement, search and rescue, and other first responder missions.
Very resourceful, extremely manoeuvrable, safe and stable the ASIS Fully Inflatable boat range was designed to carry out a number of different tasks in all kinds of environments. They are suitable to serve as Work boats, Survey Boats & Rescue boats to list a few applications.
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Lightweight made with heavy duty Hypalon 1670 Dtex or PU
Rigid Removable Aluminium Flooring
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Easy to assemble and disassemble
Can be rolled into small, stowed form-fact
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No matter what application the RIB will be used for, we collaborate closely with our customers to develop a boat with all the features necessary to meet the mission requirements, whether that be a patrol boat, a riverine craft, an assault RIB, an anti-piracy vessel, or otherwise.
We offer various options and configurations, depending on the intended mission. Each boat is supplied with military-grade Hypalon or PU, an extra tough hull and interchangeable accessory options, as well as optional armoring levels.
With our fully matured designs and uncompromising testing regime, we can ensure our military boats have robust reliability and extreme endurance in every possible environment. Tried and tested designs allow us to manufacture new boats in the shortest possible time frame.
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Can be deployed from vehicles, ships and submarines
Can be air dropped from fixed and rotary wing aircraft
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